its / db mobility hackathon 2017

Our team consisting of four civity analyst took part in the DB / ITS Hackathon in Hamburg on Friday / Saturday and won the first place quite unexpectedly…

On a hackathon, a programming project / data analysis has to be developed from the idea to the prototype within 24 hours. We opted for the relatively current topic of “storm susceptibility of the rail infrastructure due to falling trees”. We used a combination of different methods and open datasets to create static and interactive maps to identify hot-spots within the German rail system in general and the Hamburg system in particular.

Storm risk analysis of the German railway system. Red and yellow lines indicate a heightened risk for trees falling onto the railway tracks.

You can find the finished project here: 

Pictures and further information can be found at:

Mappable goes

Some of you may have heard of Code for America. It’s an awesome program that encourages civic hackers, developers and designers to use their skills for the public good. Similar programs exist in several other countries – and now there is a German divison, too!
Mappable was excited to support the launch by organizing the Hamburg Open Data Day on February, 22 together with Marco Maas of OpenDataCity. The event was a full success with close to 30 people coding, mapping and discussing the whole day (and into the night). Some results can be found on the Open Data Day Hackdash.

Encouraged by the event we are now in the process of organizing a regular monthly meetup and forming an ‘OK Lab Hamburg’ (equivalent to the Code for America Brigades). The first one will take place on April 7. So drop by if you’re in town.